By Kat Eftink

We breathe every day, all day, without thinking about it. The centerpiece of our respiratory system is the lungs. They’re responsible for the oxygen inhaled and the carbon dioxide exhaled. This gas exchange is essential to life. 

The way we breathe affects our whole body. When we feel relaxed, we breathe slowly, allowing our lungs to properly do their job – keeping us calm. But in moments of anxiety, where our fight or flight response is triggered, our breathing becomes rapid. We lose control. We hyperventilate. 

“Breathing exercises can help you relax because they make your body feel like it does when you are already relaxed,” reported in the article, Stress Management: Breathing Exercises for Relaxation.

Breathing exercises are one of the best ways to lower stress in our body. It’s essential to practice these exercises before using them in moments of anxiety. Practicing beforehand allows our brain to associate the exercises with peace rather than associating them with anxiety. 

When we lose control of our breathing, we lose control of our emotions. Here are three breathing exercises to help calm your nervous system. 

1. Lengthen Your Exhale 

When we inhale too deeply, we take in too much oxygen which causes us to hyperventilate. So, before you take in a deep breath try a thorough exhale as an alternative. 

    • Find yourself in a comfortable position. 
    • Focus on exhaling longer than inhaling– making sure you’re pushing all of the air out of your lungs. Try inhaling for four seconds, and exhaling for six. 
    • Do this exercise for 2-5 minutes. 

2. Belly Breathing 

Shallow, chest breathing is part of the fight or flight response. Abdominal breathing, or belly breathing, helps control the nervous system and encourages calmness. 

    • Lay down and put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach above the belly button. 
    • Breathe in through your nose and feel your belly rise. Your chest should be still. 
    • Let your abdominal muscles push all of the air out of your lungs through pursed lips.
    • Try this exercise for 10 minutes 2-3 times a day.

3. Lion’s Breath

This technique works for both the mind and the body. It boosts confidence and helps you build better communication allowing you to speak up. 

    • Sit in a kneeling position. 
    • Roll your shoulders and open your chest. Place your palms on your knees with your fingers spread like a lion’s claw. 
    • Inhale through your nose looking upwards. 
    • Strongly exhale with your mouth wide open while sticking your tongue out and pointing it down towards your chin. 
    • Allow yourself to release emotions by saying “haaah” during your exhale. 
    • Repeat 5-10 times taking a few normal breaths in between if needed.

Breathing isn’t just inhaling, exhaling. It’s your key to becoming a better you. Try these techniques and share your #BreathingJourney by tagging us on Instagram!

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