Living a healthy lifestyle is rarely as simple as eating a balanced diet, regular exercise, and taking a multivitamin. While these practices are often helpful, they are not sufficient for every unique individual. The human body is a complex and intricate system, and each person’s biological makeup is distinctive. This complexity requires a personalized healthcare approach to ensure optimal results in maintaining good health.

In the pursuit of proactivity, one tool used at the Integrative Wellness and Research Center is micronutrient testing. Dr. John Smothers and his team utilize sophisticated Vibrant America micronutrient tests to provide a highly accurate and scientifically-proven method for assessing nutritional deficiencies. These tests measure the function of 35 critical nutritional components in our white blood cells, such as:

    • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and more
    • Antioxidants alpha-lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, glutathione
    • Minerals calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper
    • Amino Acids asparagine, glutamine, serine

      The results of micronutrient tests are comprehensive, and with the guidance of the expert team at Integrative Wellness and Research Center, they can be enlightening. Dr. John provides an overview page listing all deficiencies, along with numeric and graphic reports, then offers personalized recommendations for addressing the top concerns. Understanding gaps in these vital nutrients is crucial as they directly impact the immune system’s function and contribute to chronic disease and degenerative processes like arthritis.

      Preventative healthcare has never been more critical. Armed with the knowledge from micronutrient testing, and the experienced members of Dr. John’s team, individuals can take proactive steps towards rectifying deficiencies before they escalate into serious health concerns. By embracing a comprehensive, personalized approach to healthcare, we can unlock the potential to lead longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

      Find out which micronutrients your body is missing and begin feeling better today! Call Integrative Wellness and Research Center today at 901-763-7006 to set your appointment and get proactive about your health.

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