By Kat Eftink

The unconditional love that a pet gives you is incomparable. They’ll jump for joy or dance in a circle when they see you, but pets actually give you significantly more than just love. They give you support, companionship, and relief from stress and anxiety. They’re true friends. 

The American Psychiatric Association gathered data about the mental health benefits of owning a pet.


“People recognize that there is something special about bonds between humans and their pets,” said APA President Rebecca Brendel, M.D., J.D. “The animals we bring into our lives and our families play many roles from non-judgmental companions that we love to key partners in reducing our stress and anxiety.”

Besides reducing our stress, pets bring us many other benefits like increasing our physical activity. Taking your pets out for a walk or a hike is an effortless way to get some extra steps in. Your body will love it and so will your furry friend. 

Pets also offer companionship. The common saying, “A dog is a man’s best friend,” is true. Caring for your pet gives you the feeling of being needed, and it helps you shift your focus away from personal challenges. 

“Dogs are very present. If someone is struggling with something, they know how to sit there and be loving,” says Dr. Ann Berger, a physician and researcher at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. “Their attention is focused on the person all the time.

Not only do pets help you through your struggles, but they also help your day-to-day life. You’ll thrive with a routine, and having to walk your pet and feed them at the right time every day, will keep you on track. 

The benefits of having a pet are unparalleled, but remember, they are not the cure for poor mental or physical health. They are a bundle of responsibilities and a lifelong commitment. Before embarking on the adventure of pet ownership, do plenty of research to ensure you have the funds and knowledge to give your pet a long and happy life. 

If you are curious about where to adopt animals in Memphis, here are some local animal shelters: 

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