Why Does Music Help You Work Out?

Why Does Music Help You Work Out?

By Kat Eftink Ever notice how your favorite playlist seems to make your workouts fly by? Whether you’re lifting weights, running on a treadmill, or flowing through a yoga session, music can transform your exercise routine.  But why does music have such a...
How to Perfect Your Running Form

How to Perfect Your Running Form

By Kat Eftink Running is a weight-bearing exercise. You push and carry your body each step, and like any other weight-bearing workout, proper form is essential to maximize benefits and prevent injury. Whether you’re running to stay fit, train for a race, or...
How to Manage Your Anxiety

How to Manage Your Anxiety

By Kat Eftink Do you often feel scared, uneasy, or a sense of dread about doing things that others seem to handle with ease? You might be experiencing anxiety. Anxiety is something everyone encounters from time to time—like the nerves before starting a new job or...